Arta Pastel

"Passage of time"

"Passage of time"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

900 Lei



About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

900 Lei



About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

110 Lei



About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

150 Lei

"Sunflower Field"

"Sunflower Field"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

900 Lei

"Sunset on Bega"

"Sunset on Bega"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colors on ca..

400 Lei



About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

1,400 Lei

"The Butterfly"

"The Butterfly"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

286 Lei

"The Daffodil Fairy"

"The Daffodil Fairy"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

400 Lei

"The Fox"

"The Fox"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

95 Lei

"The Hedgehog"

"The Hedgehog"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colors on ca..

75 Lei

"The Lighthouse"

"The Lighthouse"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

320 Lei

"The Skater"

"The Skater"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours on c..

950 Lei

"The Spirit"

"The Spirit"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colours..

320 Lei

"The spring of the sausages"

"The spring of the sausages"

About our paintings:* Original painting with certificate of authenticity painted in oil colors on ca..

0 Lei

Showing 31 to 45 of 146 (10 Pages)